Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There are many principles that define our Constitutional Republican form of government; these principals were defined by men who came before us who were instrumental in the drafting, and seeing the ratification thereof. These men, in my opinion, were wise beyond their years; having fought a tyrannical king, and his armies through shear determination that our nation would be free, and constituted to preserve it through out eternity, if we could only prevent our constitution from being perverted by those who disagree with our constitutional laws, and would seek to reform it in their preference, to suit their purposes in the name of being fair, good, and now politically correct in their manner and means; all in promising everyone would be equal in the name of humanity.
Below are some of our Founding Father’s views, and writings: and my comments thereto:


"If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great Security." Samuel Adams

Comment:  As Samuel Adams said here, educate the people as to those things which will keep us free to ensure we can prevent our enslavement to any one, or any form of government. He understood that there were those among us who would, through their ideology, and teachings, subvert our constitution once in power, this through their legislative efforts in social programs and education, along with their political correctness doctrine; all of which will make it easier for them to usurp our constitution, and the principles therein.

Interesting side note: Sam Adams did not brew beer, or ale; he did however, grow, and market hops; somewhat unsuccessfully as noted in history.


“A Constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people constituting a government, and government without a constitution is power without a right.” Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man, Part the Second, Chapter IV, Of Constitutions (1792).

Comment:  Thomas Paine understood that our constitution was written to make sure the powers given therein came from We the People to the government, and not from the government to We the People.

It is unfortunate that over the last 100 years We the People have allowed our elected politicians, of both parties, to subvert, and usurp, our constitutional laws to suit their philosophical desires to keep getting elected. Their use of entitlement programs was nothing more than enslaving us with the easy life, the food on the table, and other entitlement programs which would have us beholding to these politicians for our very existence. This has been nothing more than replacing the plantation owners, and masters, with the federal government thereby re-enslaving the masses. This enslavement is funded by We the People’s money, without our approval. We all let them do this to our nation; now we need to fix this starting in November 2010.


"If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.” George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796.

Comment:  Here President Washington is warning We the People that there are those among us who are not constitutionalist, who would take advantage of their offices in deference to We the People, and our nation as a Constitutional Republic. These elected officials would make changes in spite of our constitutional and its amendments; and avoid, at all costs, the process designed to amend our constitution, as long as We the People would shut our eyes, and mute our ears, and voices to what they were doing. We the People have allowed the migration of those so bent to inhabit our halls of congress, our administration, and our judicial branches of government to the point of abdicating our constitution, and our nation to them. This has all been done under Socialism, Liberalism, Marxism, and Communism, and Progressives; all of which years ago would have kept those ideologies out of our government, and sent everyone on a hunt to expose those with such leanings. The House of Un-American Activities, circa 1950, was such a quest; but in their quest drove those unexposed deeper underground only to re-emerge in the 1960, in the forms of SDS, Weather Underground, Black Panthers, and several other groups. Moving forward until today when you look at our halls of congress, our administration, and our judiciary, and see them sitting at the helm of our government all because We the People have slept our way to their success. Today, how many of these avowed Socialist, Marists, and Communists do you count in our administrative branch of government? It is alarming to say the least. We need to start our movement back to our Constitutional Republic roots; and we need to start that this November.


"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." John Adams.

Comment:  President Adams tells us that the people we send to Washington to represent us are not there to do their own bidding for their benefit, or the benefit of those closely gathered around them; they are there to represent We the People and do our business in managing our federal government, and for no other reason. If We the People find these representatives are not doing what we sent them to congress, and the white house to do then We the People not only the right, but the duty to our nation, our constitution, and ourselves to make the changes necessary to restore our constitution principals, and our government to its original intent; and where the amendments thereto are a diversion for our original constitutional dictates, repeal them, or if necessary repeal and re-amend to clarify their intent. We the People rule our government, our government, or government as constituted, does not rule We the People it only provides the laws of our nation. November starts the process; be there if you want to be involved.


"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln.

Comment:  Here President Lincoln basically reiterates what President Adams says in the quote immediately above, making it quite clear again that the three branches of government take their dictates from We the People. through our elected representatives. Our nation is internal; it is not dependent on any world body for its approval, guidance, or our right to exist as a Constitutional Republic. We the People have endured for over two hundred thirty four years a Constitutional Republic, and so long as we look internally for our right to exist we will be fine. If we look externally, as many in our three branches of government would like us to do, then we will find our Constitutional Republic in jeopardy to the likes of the New World Order, Globalization, or any other name that puts us in the realm of being controlled by other nations, collectively or otherwise.

There is, and has been a revolution underway in this country for over 100 years by those who do not like our Constitutional Republican form of government; this is not new, but it is Progressive.

It is these Progressives who do not understand that if they allow success in changing our form of government once this is done the radicals of the Socialists, Marxists and Communists will throw them overboard, and seize the power they espouse through their ideology, and when they have achieved their purpose everyone is expendable except those who rule. What the Progressives of both political parties in this country do not understand is they are, and always have been, the vehicle for the avowed Socialists, Marxists, and Communists to propel their movement; once there the real war will begin between to three ideologies; and it will then get bloody, and Progressives will be the first to be purged from the ranks of the revolutionaries.

Our constitution does not allow revolution; but our Declaration of Independency does if We the People are dissatisfied, and our dissatisfaction cannot be resolved peacefully. But, as I have said previously those who want to change our form of government are at work; before this work was covert, but now overt, and in direct conflict with our Constitutional Republic principals of governing. When anyone talks about a Constitutional Convention be very careful; unless parameters are set and agreed to by the various states up front; then it is a bad idea since once opened with no guidelines or agenda it can go anywhere the winds blow; it could be very dangerous for our Constitutional Republic. See you at the ballot box in November each election cycle.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Since I last wrote in my blog I have been researching the mood of our nation’s people, affectionately known as “We the People”‘ and find amazingly the conservative moderates, libertarians, conservatives and constitutional conservatives have momentum now heading into the November 2010 elections; it is evidenced in the Tea Party movement, the resent election results across the nation, and the momentum is continuing to grow. The Liberals, Socialist Progressives, and others who would like to see the United States of America in a different form of government. They make not bones about it; and it is most evident who these people are when you listen to them describe our nation as a democracy, making no reference to our true form of government which is a Constitutional Republic, a nation of laws. The people, We the People have finally decided we have had enough from the representatives we have elected over the years who do not listen to We the People and make laws that fit their needs and not ours. The movement currently under underway says we want our nation back, you have taken us to far from our Constitutional Republic that our founding fathers gave us when drafting and consequently ratifying our constitution over 233 years ago.

How did our nation get to the point of selling our constitution down the drain over the last 80 to 100 years?

Progressively, at the behest of out congressional leaders who are part of the Progressive Movement, in concert with the Liberals in both parties, in our nation; The Progressive Movement was born 1908, or there about, and they have slowly, methodically, and progressively lulled We the People to sleep over the years, while be were thinking that our elected representatives were legislating in our, and the nations best interest; when in fact they were legislating in their own best interests by moving the nation to political correctness, providing entitlement benefit and welfare programs that created 4 and 5 generations of needy, greedy, and insolent third class citizens of this county resembling the cultures of the socialist, marxist, or communist countries of the world. These third class citizens, because of the training our federal government provided them through these several generation of expecting, and accepting these handouts from their federal government they can only function as there were trained to function. Is it not, in total, their fault, perhaps, 95% of the fault rests with our federal government, our elected representation, of both parties, and the various administrations that have come and gone over the last 80 to 100 years.

Can this welfare state system be reversed, yes, but it will take as long or longer to retrain this third class to the point of being able to provide for their own existence; the changes need to start within the third class society created by our federal government and nurtured over the years by the bureaucracy put in place by our government to manage these indigenous people. The changes will be slow, but it must start with changes in the system, repeal of enabling legislation, dismantling of agencies that are a part of the problem, and a slow education of those masses that have known no other way. Our churches, and communities need to be involved in that effort, or it will not succeed in making these people self sufficient over the course of time.

The reality of all this is; our nations Welfare System replaced slavery; and has taught the welfare recipients to lick the hands of their masters the Federal Government, and our elected representatives, instead of the Plantation Owners of old.

President Lincoln had it right, Wilson and the rest of the Progressives and Liberal who came after him put the slaved back in bondage, and it was done progressively, methodically until we are where we are today.

Socialism, does not work, Marxism does not work, Communism does not work, Liberalism does not work, and Progressivism does not work; all of these governmental systems require taking from the productive, and giving to the non-productive which are just entitlement societies.

If look around you, listen to what is said by your elected representatives at every level of government, and when they start deviating from the articles of our constitution and our Constitutional Republic as given to us by our founding fathers, it is time to standup and be heard.

It has always amazed me that our Progressive leaders speak of how our constitution needs to be a living document, and we need to change with the “world”.

They espouse the “New World Order”, “Globalization” as though all those foreign countries are a better model for our nation.

What those nations fail to remember is our country is the only one that has historically come to their aid when they have be in trouble be it war, financial distress, disaster, famine, genocide, and the list goes on; so if their governmental model is so great why have we the United States of America been the one everyone has relied on in the past, and does so today? Maybe we have been duped; maybe we created another welfare state out of the many foreign countries as well.

A point of consideration as we go to the ballot box this November.

We cannot be Isolationist, but we cannot also be the world’s keeper, there has to be moderation in those things we do in our national interests; and we cannot succumb to Progressives, and their ilk, to are willing to selling our country down the drain as I said at the beginning of this blog.

The Progressives and Liberals say that our constitution needs to be a living document, because as times changed over the years the content of Articles written needs to be reflect with “keep up with times”; strangely enough our Founding Fathers knew this was going to happen, and therefore provide a mechanism to accomplish this, my belief is they wanted to do this as an appeasment to progressives to come, and it is called the Amendment Process.

Much to the dislike of those who want a living constitution, they cannot seem to get around the amendment process, They have tried on numerous occasions; but the process seems to get stalled when it hits the requirements for ratification should their amendments ever make it out of congress; it seems those stubborn states are not thinking the same way Washington does; and therefore chances of ratification seem an impossible hurdle, and will as long as We the People stay vigilant.

Stay true to yourself, and our nation, keep the watch.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Open Letter to the citizens of the United States of America:

Thomas Jefferson to [Major} J.Cartwright 1824

It(Our Revolution)….presented us an album on which we were free to write what we pleased. We had no occasion to search into musty records, to hunt up royal parchments, or to investigate the laws and institutions of a semi-barbarous ancestry. We appealed to those(laws) of nature…

This is the opening paragraph of Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Major Cartwright, then both in the eighties; it says much about the founding fathers in their efforts to form a new nation. If you take the words as written it gives credence to the thought that the founding fathers having fought the Revolutionary War to free this country were not about to look to the King of England and English Common Law as the bases for our new nation. The words themselves say that in the first sentence of the paragraph; when Jefferson says that the revolution “presented us an album on which we were free to write what we pleased”; meaning they had no obligations other than to the new nation and it’s people. Hence it really says that the common laws of England would not be the common law of the new nation.

The new common law of the new nation then would flow from our constitution as written, and then ratified by the various states. Yes, English common law was still uses and practiced in the various states at the time, but did not flow to the newly formed federal government; conversely over time was replaced by common law as derived from our constitution, and the individual state constitutions as drafted, and ratified by the people of each state. So state laws flow then from those state constitutions; some states are still Commonwealths, either based on English or French common laws as adopted by those states.

In the second sentence, we get further insight to the notion that the founding father were not about to dig into the musty royal parchment on which the King’s Law was written; as Jefferson said “laws and institutions of a semi-barbarous ancestry”; meaning they were not about to repeat those mistakes.

For those of you who would like to read the rest of Jefferson’s letter to Cartwright it is available on line; just type in heading to your search engine and it will bring it up.

Why did I start out this blog entry with the above excerpt from Jefferson's letter? It is the basis of my next thoughts on where our nation has been, or come from, in the last 108 years.

We, our nation, is, by the drafting and ratification of our constitution, a Constitutional Republic, a nation of laws derived from our constitution.

We are not a Constitutional Democracy; we are not a Democracy.

Why do I say that? If you read the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution, as drafted and ratified, you will find no mention of democracy anywhere therein.

Our founding fathers were intent on giving all of us a form of government that would endure the test of time. And they did this with great intellect, thought and common sense.

There are those among us who see a much different constitutional document, a flawed document because they see the United States of America as an uncooperative international road block to where they believe our nation should be headed in the context of “Globalization”, “The World Order”, and other names of similar orders; which when you analyze it is exactly what our founding fathers were protecting our new nation from; as long as we as a nation would stand up, and defend our constitution rights as is was written, “One Nation Under God”. The pledge allegiance to our flag sums it up quite well; “and to the Republic for which it stands”. You will notice it does not say democracy, but does mention God!

Just ask yourself how many assaults have there been in your lifetime to change the Pledge of Allegiance by those who want it to say something different?  Or not said at all in our schools.

There have been those in the life of our nation who would have liked us to be something different; and there are many movements within our nation that still espouse those desires today; they are progressives, secular progressives, socialists, communists, marxists, and others; but the group that has posed the greatest risk to our nation, and our constitution, are the Progressives; the movement, born in 1912, have slowly and methodically over the last 108 years work to get their leaders elected to political offices across the nation; they are highly regarded and intelligent people of all political parties; they are liberal, they are conservatives, they are doctors, lawyers, educators, and they all have one thing in mind; change our constitution to say what they want it to say; not what the founding fathers wrote. They want control of the nation and its people since they know what is better for us than We the People" do.  When you confront them they will deny they are part of the movement; but all ones needs to do is watch what the do, not what they say; their actions betray theirfaçade.

The Progressives, as I said, come from all walks of life, they are your local elected officials, your school board directors and members, your next door neighbor, your best friend (except when it comes to politics); it has been one hundred eight (108) years in the making, just look around you, does our nation look like the nation our founding fathers envisioned for us; I think not. We are lucky in one aspect of our lives, we live in sovereign states, and the federal government can only do to us what our state governments allow them to do; and that is remediable at the ballot box each election, which puts control close to home.

The Progressives would like all of us to believe that our constitution is flawed, that in modern times it needs to be changed to reflect modern times. The founding fathers realized this in their drafting of the constitution, and that adjustments may be necessary, from time to time, and thereby provide the mechanizim to make changes through the amendment process.

What the Progressives, and others, do not like about that process is the requirement of ¾ of the various states must ratify any amendment before it can become the law of the nation; thereby guaranteeing that “We the People” have a voice in any change, and any new law that stems from the constitution did not become the law as dictate of any one branch of government. Remember, that which is not delegated to the federal government by our constitution is reserved to the various states.

The movements in the United States today by the “Tea Party” and other, is a reflection of what our federal government and elected officials have done to our nation, and us, and it has been very so evident since the 2008 election. These movements also reflects pent up dissatisfaction over the years because of those elected officials and representative who no longer pay attention to those who elected them and are self serving in their own right.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


As I write my February 2010 blog I am reflecting again on our nation, and how best to preserve what our Founding Fathers gave with the ratification of our constitution.

First they gave us a Constitutional Republic, a republican form of government (not the republican party), a nation of laws; what they did not give us was a democracy. In reading our constitution you will not find the word democracy use anywhere therein. The were reasons for this; in their research, life experiences and diplomatic revelations, some having served diplomatically previously they knew if they wanted a government that would survive it had to be a Constitutional Republic with laws that would protect it from those who would rather have a Oligarchy, Democracy or a Dictatorship.

As we have advanced in time we have seen those who would rather have complete control of our government, and dictate to each of us how, and by which manner, we should all live our lives. This is prevalent in our congress, judiciary and the white house today, and has been for a long, long time; they have arrived there as a matter of progression while we were asleep; content in our beliefs that our government would take care of us while we allowed them to run our live, our economy, our banking systems, our businesses through ever expanding legislation that has virtually strip us of our constitutional rights and the 10th Amendment, as well as others. Slowly, progressively, methodically they have placed themselves in the positions of power, and no longer listen to their constituents, but do what they know is best for all of us, as long as it fits their purpose. It is disingenuous to believe they represent us “We the People”.

As Samuel Adams said during the framing of our constitution:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” – Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House on August 1, 1776.

there is much to be gleaned from this message; and it was as prevalent then as it is today. Read it and reflect on what Adams said.

While we struggle to retrieve our constitution for the talons of the Progressives, Liberals, Socialist and Marxist in our government today we need to remember one of our other leader who was wise in his years, and not that long ago. Ronald Reagan was know as the Great Communicator; and he wasn’t on TV everyday, but when he was people did listen to the things he had to say; therefore I have pulled one of his quotes that I feel fits the thoughts and merits of this blog. Reagan quote:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States when men were free. ”

–Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1961

again re-read this quote and reflect on the contents, and where it fits into our national situation today.

Now lets get the message straight regarding our current occupant of the white house. I have a difficult time calling him president, since I strongly believe he is a usurper, planted there through conspiracy of the Chicago Mob currently serving in the white house, the sitting congress, and certain member of the Supreme Court of the United States of America who have in total abrogated their constitutional duties to protect and defend the United States of America and our constitution..

Below are cites pulled from a SCOTUS decision that speak well to the issue of Obama’s eligibility. Even given he may be a citizen of the Untied States of America it does not elevate him to the qualifications necessary to be President, much less Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. His father was never a US citizen, was a subject of Great Britain, and therefore bestowed that citizenship on Barrack H. Obama II, making him a dual citizen at best, and even less qualified (if that is possible) for the office. Read carefully the decision below and make up you own mind. The Progressive have been hell bent for years to change our constitution to allow foreign born citizens of the United States of America to serve as president; they have raised the issue several time in congress but nothing has ever reached the floor of the house; and therefore their attempt has now been made to amend our constitution without the amendment process. His man needs to be removed from the seat he now occupies, we do not need to wait for the 2012 elections to do this as it then gives the Progressives another step in the ladder to usurping our constitution.

This usurping needs to stop at the proverbial waters edge.

Read carefully the cites below: note the date of the English translation and revision of Vattel’s Law of Nations, the Progressives would like people to think is was in the recent past the translation was made:

Minor vs. Happersett:

· In 1797 (a decade after the Constitution was adopted), the English translation of Emmerich de Vattel’s, Law of Nations was revised to include the term “natural born citizen”. The revised English translation helps to clarify the meaning of “natural born citizen”, as English-speaking people generally understood it towards the end of the 18th Century:

The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. … I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country. (Vattel, Law of Nations, Book 1, Chapter 19)

· In 1874, in the Minor v. Happersett case, the Supreme Court affirmed the definition of natural born citizen which had appeared in the 1797 English translation of Vattel’s Law of Nations:

…it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. (Minor v. Happersett, 1874)

· In Minor v. Happersett, the Supreme Court expressed “doubts” regarding the citizenship of U.S.-born children whose parents were not U.S. citizens. In Wong Kim Ark, 1898, the Supreme Court examined these “doubts”, but did not render any decision or ruling pertaining to natural born citizenship. The Court ruled that Mr. Ark was a citizen; it did not rule that he was a natural born citizen. To date, the Supreme Court has never answered the question as to whether natural born citizenship extends to children of non-citizen parents.

So now it is your turn to reflect on where you want our nation to go; I know where I fit into the equation, how about you?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


What does it say, and what influence did it have on our Founding Fathers in the drafting of
The Constitution of the United States of America?

Arguments have been made that the Common Laws of England influenced the drafting of our constitution and was accepted therein by the Founding Fathers.

My contentions, along with many other Constitutionalists and legal scholars, contend this assumption is not true.

In those arguments one needs to research and read the Law of Nations, The Common Law of England (circa 1765) and the Articles of the United States Constitution, and draw comparisons thereto.

Above are the research sites for all.

Please recognize the following are my belief, based on my study of Our Constitutional Republic, a nation of laws, which our Founding Fathers gave us, and the various States of the new republic ratified in 1776.

First, in my opinion, the influences seen in the articles of our constitution more mirror Vattel’s Law of Nations than it could ever be conceived in the Common Law of England. It does not take much reading of our constitution and the reading of the Law of Nations to see the influence it had in the drafting of our constitution.

When you look at Article I of our Constitution and then look at corresponding Chapter 3, 6, and others, of Book 1 of The Law of Nations; you can readily see, not in every word, but in the influence Vattel had on the drafting of our constitution.

As you read further, in each, you will see the differences between The Common Law of England and the Law of Nations, and how each influenced our constitution, or had no influence it. In Vattel’s writings on constitutional republics you find the word citizen(s) use to describe you and me in country, while the English Common Law refers to subjects in its reference to their countrymen.

In that regard, our revolution was fought because our fore fathers wanted to be free from the King’s tyranny, and absolute rule to make a better life for them and the people of this country. We fought that revolution to be freemen.

In that regard, to be freemen, our founding fathers were not about to setup a Monarchy that limited government, and put control in one persons hands, since they had lived that life both in England, and in the Colonies, and found it restricting, over taxing, and invasion of one’s rights as freemen. Since this was the case why in “God’s” green earth would the Founding Fathers set about saddling themselves, and the new nation, with the same? And, so….

they set up a constitutional republic, with representative government, where there are elective branches of government, and those elected were subject to re-election every few years at the will of the people.

In our Constitutional Republic, the President of the new United States of America could only serve two 4 year terms, and then step down; in this manner the new nation could not come under the control of one person, or group of individuals, and then be come something other than a Constitutional Republic, a nation of laws.

You will also find the influence of Vattel, where the means to change the constitution very much came from the Law of Nations, where it references the need from time to time to amend or change the Constitutional Republic, but not at the whims of a few, and thereby set out the process to accomplish that means. In that means it required the people of the new nation to ratify those changes before they become law, through the amendment process. The amendment process was intended to be burdensome and no an easy process for that very reason. In The Common Law of England you find no such mechanism by which this could be accomplished because that nation is ruled by one person, with no representative councils of meaning.

Today, as in the past, our Constitution is constantly under attack from those who want something other than what our constitution provides us; those who see the fruits of their labors and mind sets differently want this nation to be socialistic, marxist, or communist, or some variation thereof, in how we are governed, because they want control with no oversight from We the People, because in their rationale we are to stupid to know what is best for us and our nation. Our Constitution is constantly under attack from within.

There is one quote that resonates with me, and it comes from our recent President Ronal Reagan:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States when men were free. ”

in that quote we can see the warning President Ronald Reagan tried to convey to all of us; just because we live in this country, are born of American citizens, are American citizens, does not guarantee our nation will survive by blood rights. It takes our attention to what is going on around us, and in the halls of our representative national and state governments, and to take responsibility thereto.

We as a nation have not done a very good job of paying attention in the past, and all one has to do is look to the current sitting congress to see how much we have not paid attention.

We are now ruled, not by representative government, but by a bunch of socialist/liberals we have allowed to sit in our representative seats of government; mainly by our lack to due diligence at the ballot box each election cycle.

This is changing since our last election (2008), people are waking up (myself included) and realizing that they cannot trust our neighbor to vote our consciences at the ballot box, and thereby forgo making the trip to the voting booth to make our wishes known during the elections.

We all need to get up off our chairs, and couches, and make the trip to the ballot box every two years to make sure on Constitutional Republic survives in its present form; if we all do that then those who would seek to destroy of way of government will not succeed in their quest. The answer is in all of us!

One other quote I will share with you is from Samuel Adams (no not the beer maker):

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”.

Next blog article we will revisit, Article II and Obams’s eligibility, study well.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Having been silent in my blog postings for over a month, I now find I necessary to pick up my computer keyboard again, and comment on some of my observations over the past month and a half.

First, Happy New Year!

Chasing Obama’s eligibility to be president continues, and will go all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. He is an illegal alien, pure and simple. What’s the difference between Obama and Jesus? Nothing; neither had a long form birth certificate.

Obama’s public approval rating has dropped below 50%, and continues to head toward congresses’ approval rating; this is amassing, since he has only been in office 11 months, amazing. Carter socialist all over again!

Obama has picked up his Noble Prize, for doing nothing, but then it is a very liberal and socialistic organization.

The senate voted the healthcare bill into house conference, in their effort to propel our country further in to socialism. I do not think they will succeed. We will get some kind of healthcare bill, but nothing the Liberals for Kennedy will like.

The CIA is not happy with Obama’s lack of leadership at the national and international level. They blame Obama, and his administration, for the recent deaths of the CIA operatives in Afghanistan.

The military leadership is not happy with the delays in getting the troops to Afghanistan, and Obama’s resurrected Vietnam combat policy (early in the war) of don’t shoot unless they shoot first; we don’t want to offend our “host” nation, which gets our troops and CIA operatives killed; as it did in Vietnam.

And then there is Obama’s Hawaiian Christmas vacation; which masquerades, while his family may be enjoying Hawaii, and it is beautiful scenery, Obama is busy working on his long form birth certificate.

In spite of all this there is evidence, over the past year, that our nation is waking up for its deep sleep of the past 80 years, and finally is ready to take back their abdicate rights from the people they gave them to over the years, their elected representatives in both house of Congress.

It has, in my view, been very encouraging to watch as “We the People” finally not only seen the light, but are now stepping up to the plate, and making their voices heard. The “Tea Parties” and other events are scaring the crap out of the Left. If you listen they are being heard, all you have to do is listen to the Liberal Left MSM bad month these patriots as radicals, insurgents, and out to touch a progressive society and reality; and they are nervous. Even the frightened in congress are downplaying the vocal patriots as radicals, low lever terrorists, ect.

It all starts at the local ballot boxes in every city, county and state in our nation. 2010 should be the resurgence of State’ Rights and the rights of We the People”. We need Conservative/Constitutionalists or Independent/Constitutionalists in our congressional houses, so listen not to what your candidate says, but to what they do before you vote; check them out.

As many have advocated, we need to change the entire face of both house of congress by replacing every sitting representative and senator as they come up for reelection. Some say that would leave us with less experience in government; I say, so what, what have the sitting electees done for our nation, and us while they were there? They have done We the People no favors simply based on the legislation they have produced which has further put all of us in jeopardy, and pushed our nation further toward socialism. As the advocates say, throw the bums out; and if the new elected representatives repeat the same mistakes of the ones they replace, throw those bums out too. It’s an evolutionary process, and it will not happen over night, but overtime. If we do not start today, this month, this year then we are already behind a day, a month, or a year. Watch who funds the campaigns of your legislative candidates; if you see big business and their PACs involved, do not vote for that candidate because they will be owing to that money source if they get elected. Personal donations, state funds for candidates, and the like is what each candidate should be showing on their financial disclosure statement for each run for their respective seats.

Remember, term limits? It starts at the ballot box for each election cycle; we do not need legislated term limits; it’s already there we just use it. In my opinion legislated terms limits is a voter copout that allow the legislative process to preempt going to the ballot box; a process that got us in to this situation in the beginning; complacency.

2009 was a disaster on the executive order and legislative front, and further imbedded the Liberals/ Socialists in our government, which started over 80 years ago. We the People, have now recognize that those in congress, in both parties, have little in common with the people back home, except they all come from where we live.

Our elected representatives, instead of going to congress each year to start eliminating laws on the books which hamper the growth of our nation in jobs, economics, and capitalism, find ways to further curtail that growth through new taxation, new policies and other way to redistribute the wealth of the nation.

If our electees would go there each session and repeal a law or two, and write no new legislation our nation would soon flourish, and head in the direction those of us have envisioned our entire adult live.

If you noticed the economic recession of 2009, has simply vanished, when you look at the recovery of the stock markets, the DJIA is now over 10,000 again, and the other stocks are back where they were before the markets were declared by the OUR government to be a disaster; all of this has been accomplished through nothing the government has done. The recovery was self-induced by the businesses making internal adjustments; as they would have with out our government declaring them in a recession. We all need to remember the government produces nothing, sells nothing, and never makes a profit as our wallets can attest to in our tax bills each year.

This is the current and ongoing problem of our legislative branch of government; most of those who are elected to their seats have never run a company, a business, or had to make payroll. They know nothing about meeting a budget, making payroll or positioning business in a market. That given, how can they tell someone how their business should be run; which they do with every piece of legislation they write, or enact, and is signed into law.

If these elected members of congress were good at running a business that is where they would be, running a business, not sitting in congress pretending to know is all.

That said; this is one of our real issues, in my opinion, if we go back to the founding of our nation; congress met annually, for at least one day, each legislative year to take care of the nations business; which was maintaining a Navy, funding the Army every two years, and dealing with commerce at the sea ports and borders. All money for the federal government was generated by import fees, duties and the like, there were no income tax. Since these legislators were not salaried they did not look to the federal government for their support or lively hood. In doing this they in effect were simply business owners of the nation who ran, and operated, their own companies. When they came to congress each session they brought with them their knowledge, experience, and insight for running a business, making a local economy grow, and did not legislate to interfere in that process. At the end of each session they went home, and continued to run their companies; their compensation while congress was in session covered their expenses, and comparable wages or salaries, and when they went home they took no more money from the US Treasurery. There was no federal retirement program, and they did not expect one, since they never legislated a retirement system during those sessions. Simple and effective, they were business people leading a nation.

Now fast forward to today, and our professional politicians we have elected into congress over the years, my how they have been self serving, and continue to be, and we let them get away with it because we allowed ourselves to think they knew better than We the People how to lead our nation. How wrong we were, and how wrong we will continue to be until We the People change the legislative system back toward the system our Constitutional Republic gave us.

Again, it starts at the ballot box, and in our institution of learning, which is a subject for another day.

Yes the nation is larger than 13 colonies today; but, common sense should also prevail; in the way we take care of managing our federal government. State’s Rights is one of the issues to getting our government back home where is belongs.

One more thing, before I silence my keyboard; Political Correctness is ruining this nation; the fear of offending any one should not be a concern in managing our daily lives, our businesses and our religious beliefs; the secular progressives would like it to be otherwise, and they have tried put the fear of government in all of us in place of the fear of God which we were raised to believe would be our bane if we did not live up to the Ten Commandments, and the bible’s preaching; and yes we are a Christian Nation first, last, and always.