Sunday, August 14, 2011


In September 2010 I wrote a blog article entitled “Dumbing Down the Constitution of the United States of America”.  In that article I pointed to the concerted effort of the Liberals, Progressives (of both major parties), Socialists, Marxists, and Communists who inhabit the United States of America, and our government to subvert our constitution, and never go through the amendment process that our founding fathers provided for in that document.

These individuals know full well that to amend our constitution requires, not only congressional approval, and the president’s signature, but also the approval of ¾ of the various states to reach ratification; a huge task that even if the two branches of government approve the amendment it does not become a done deal until the states sign off.  Therefore the group mentioned above has consistently subverted the process, and allow unconstitutional legislation, rules and regulation to interfere with We the Peoples’ right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as dictated by our founding fathers.

All of this said, I have become a little more hopeful, that our constitutional process is working again, with the elections in 2010 when those running as Republican fiscal, and constitutional conservatives won control of our House of Representatives, and made the Senate basically a non starter by denying the Democrats therein a filibuster proof Senate.

From the stand point of conservative seat pickups we are still a long way from getting our nation on track again, and reining in congress’, and the white house’s irrational spending, and borrowing.

Our major hurdle are those still sitting in congress that managed to get re-elected as fiscal conservatives, only to prove otherwise by their debt limit increase vote in August 2011.

These Republicans are the ones who revealed their true ideology by their vote.  When these individuals ran for election, and re-election they promoted themselves as fiscal, and constitutional conservatives when in fact they were not; if you do not believe me check the vote on that legislation.  Remember this; in my opinion, Boehner is the RINO ringleader in our House of Representatives, and McConnell his counter part in the Senate, but then those are state issues to be resolved.  Out of the House freshmen group elected in 2010 only 60+, out of 89 elected, voted NO on that bill, these are the true fiscal, and constitutional conservatives, the others are either moderated right, or moderate left which is not what We the People need for our nation that is trying to right itself from the 80+ plus years marching toward Socialism, or worse.

As an example; my home state, North Dakota, elected Republican John Hoeven as our Senator to replace Byron Dorgan who retired, and Rick Berg to our House of Representatives; I voted for both of these men, because their were no other options during that election except Socialist Democrats.  Both of these men have disappointed me by supporting the Debt Limit increase bill.  Therefore I will not support either, except they are better than any Democrat North Dakota would send up to oppose them.  Rick Berg is not running for re-election to the House, as promised, because he has decided now that his place is in the Senate, to replace Conrad who is not running, as of this writing he will be opposed on the Republican side in the up coming election by someone I can support, and only because he did not go to congress, and do what his told us his supporters he would do, support, and defend the constitution of the United States of America, In my opinion, unfortunately Rick has already be inducted in the establishment old boys club in Washington DC; and therefore earns the label of RINO in his first half of his first term.  John Hoeven on the other hand, was not much of a surprise to me since he was a Moderate governor in his 3 ½ terms as governor in ND, he did a good job in the state, and was basically controlled on the fiscal side by our fiscally conservative legislature who held him in check.  So unless we, in ND, can find someone to oppose John on the Republican side, who is more fiscally, and constitutionally conservative, we will continue to re-elect him by acclamation.

Back to congress, and the white house; until We the People can undue what we did in 2008, and get rid of the usurper in the white house, correct the make up of the congress to give us a more constitutionally conservative congress, and elect a constitutionally eligible conservative president we will need to hold the line in congress.  That means the 2011 freshmen class in our House of Representatives needs to hold the line; advance no legislation that further jeopardizes our nation nationally, or internationally.  Since all legislation originates, or is suppose to originate, in the house has control, as long as they are willing to exercise it.  We all know the congress cannot really advance any legislation to rein in our federal government since it will not get through the other branch of government currently, and there is not now in place a veto proof congress.

What the House of Representatives can do however, is through the budget process is not fund departments and agencies that are detrimental to this nations financial recovery; and by not funding these departments and agencies they are virtually shutdown with no, or limited funding.  Since the Republicans control the house nothing comes out of there unless they have approved it by majority vote.  Can they do this, yes; will they do this, maybe, it really depends on those Republicans that voted for the Debt Limit Increase will they again play nice, or will they hold the line?  Your guess is as good at mine.

A lesson you should have learned in high school civics, or history, or both.  Our constitution provides that our House of Representatives is elected every two years in total; the founding fathers had a reason for this mandate; and their reasoning basically says this; if the people you elect to represent you in the House of Representatives do not do your will you may elect someone different in two years, that way You the People have control of your federal government, so long as you exercise your option every two years.

These were intelligent men who had visions, and wisdom beyond their years, they knew what it would take to preserve our Constitutional Republic as long as We the People were willing to exercise our rights every time we voted.  They could not have provided more!

We also have to remember this, we are not a Democracy, our founding father did not want a Democracy, they knew Democracies only last for a short period of time, and then end up a Dictatorship, and morph from there.

What founding fathers wanted for our new nation was something that would endure for centuries; that gave the people the ability to control their government, and provide to the states their rights not to be interfered with by the federal government.  Therefore they chose a Constitutional Republic, which would be a representative form of government controlled by the constitution they were about to setup, and the laws to be derived there from.  That is exactly what they did; they gave us a Constitutional Republic which endures today, as it did 235 years ago; no other form of government has survived as long, and has Ben Franklin said. “As long as you can keep it”

What the Progressives, and those that support their ideology want; however is a Democracy; and in that effort they have been able to brainwash We the People over the years to refer to our nation as a Democracy when is fact it is not.  Controlling people’s thoughts is what their agenda is all about; if they can control your thoughts, and your thought process they control you.  They are good at it, and if you do not believe that reflect on all the social engineering that they have promoted over the years to get you to believe what they want you to believe.

What is social engineering, simply put it is getting everyone to believe you cannot say, or do what you believe is right without their approval; in the eyes of those social engineers everyone must be equal.  This is not what our constitution says.  Born out of that philosophy’s Political Correctness (PC), don’t call a spade a spade even if it is a spade it maybe offensive to someone.  If it’s a spade, why not just call it a shovel, shovel does not have any negative connotations, when in fact a shovel come is many forms, where a spade comes in one specific shape understood by all; so where does the rationale fall, it falls in not wanting to offend anyone for any reason.  Dumb-Dumb, and Dumber.

The Progressives are good at this, and over the years have instilled this in every walk of life.  If your kid is an idiot, he’s an idiot; but when proven his is an idiot they then label him as mentally challenged because it has less of a negative impact on the idiot, or his parents.

Social engineering comes in all forms; welfare programs that are designed to level the playing field for those who do not want to provide for themselves, and expect government to provide for them the things they will not work for by using our tax dollars to support them.  My pet social engineering issue goes way back, I can’t even remember what year it was, but it started with the NCAA’s decision to strip every affiliated NCAA athletic team, or school from using any reference in their team name, or mascot that offended, or might offend, the native American Indians.  These NCAA rulings have never been adequately tested in court to my knowledge; on the professional level this type of social engineering has been challenged, and the team that won that court decision, are still the Washington Redskins because they receive no federal funding.

Back to the college level, and this has more to do with federal funding for colleges and universities than anything else, one of the first to feel the heat was the Stanford Indians of Stanford University, they are now the Stanford Cardinals, I wonder is the birds may be offended.

There have been a host of others over the years who have felt the heat of the NCAA’s social engineering, and if you do not capitulate you will not be able to compete on a national level in any bowl, or even some conferences, and you may not be eligible for any federal school funding; if you play you will play as an independent against team that are willing to schedule a game with you.  How likely is that?

The latest test in now in North Dakota, the University of North Dakota has been the “Fighting Sioux” forever; a few years ago the NCAA informed the school that it would need to change it’s nickname because it was offensive to the native American Indians, long story short, the university capitulated over the objections of the majority of North Dakotans and alumni; and there have been delays, and of course law suits.  In the 2011 legislative session, in ND, the state legislature ordained the Fighting Sioux would live on, and the governor signed the legislation into law, so the NCAA now has threatened to not allow the UND teams to compete, basically outside the state, unless they follow through on the mandate from them.  There is a meeting the NCAA at their headquarters in Indianapolis IN this month with our college officials, state education officials, including the governor, and attorney general, regarding the NCAA’s social engineering.  It will be interesting to see what happens, since this is likely to end up in the courts in ND.

But this again is all about Social Engineering of the first order, and continues to play into the hands of the Progressives who are the ones we really need to be worried about in representing We the People in congress.  The Liberal, Socialist, Marxists, and

Communists are what they are; it is the Progressives who lay waste to our constitution quietly, slowly, and methodically; with the support of the others who have no traction without the Progressives’ coattails.  Watch the RINOs they say one thing, and then do the opposite.

Listen not to what anyone says, pay attention to what they do, that is the true measure of the person.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The 2010 elections are over; lets see where we are at today, sixteen months later:

Today we have elected a new slate of congressional representatives for the 112th Congressional term; those constitutional and fiscal conservatives coming into congress in both house should set the tone for the 112th congressional session, and we will see who gets Washingtonized, and who will remain true to their constituents back home. Remember, the House of Representatives is elected in total every two years, while only one third of the Senate is elected every two years, depending on which senate class each member is in, so pay attention; our elections are effectively term limits at the ballot box as long as we exercise our right to vote; if you don’t vote you can’t bitch.

Today we have a constitutionally, and fiscally conservative group of freshmen legislators in both house of congress; fortunately the House of Representatives is firmly controlled by the “Republicans”, although this is something of a misnomer since many of those who ran as Republicans were in fact fiscally conservative, and constitutional conservatives that were really not party aligned other than with the “Tea Party Movement”, regardless of how they reached the house, or senate; work remains to be done. These freshmen are making themselves known, as is already evident in their collective actions in both houses. For me what is interesting is not the new freshmen, and their agenda, but the old guard still sitting in those chambers. This old guard is having a hard time reconciling their old ways of doing things in both houses against these freshmen who come with a different agenda. Those old, still sitting, politicians are grasping for way to seem like the new group, but are finding it difficult to sign on since they have to change their entrenched ideologies that have kept them there for so long, and their new emerging constituents population back home who are demanding something totally different from them. These are mostly the RINO group, Republicans In Name Only, still in Washington. It is important that we watch what these RINOs do, or do not do, as opposed what they say. Many of this old guard who are up for re-election in 2012 will be gone when the 2012 elections are over, because they cannot bring themselves to really align with their new constituents back home. Most of the people who kept them in both houses of congress for years are literally dying off; and the new majority, in each state, does not see it the same way their fathers and mothers did; I count myself in the dying off portion of the old majority, fortunately I never saw things quiet like my father and mother did when it came to our governments, federal or state; that does not mean my parents were bad people, only that they had a different ideology than I did. Some of the still sitting old guard individuals have already decided not to run in 2012, for reasons we all know, they do not want to go down defeated.

Today there is a new movement in the Republican Party to reinvent itself, in my opinion the Progressive wing of the Republican Party has virtually destroyed the grand old party, and control needs to be taken away from those Progressives. The Progressive movement, in the Republican Party, view our constitution as a “living document” that needs to be changed as modern times evolve; what these individuals do not understand is our founding fathers did not intend for our constitution to evolve, unless it was through the amendment process, in which we all get to decide true or false by ¾ of all the states whether we like the proposed changes or not. When you look to see who the Progressives are you only have to look at their voting records, their sponsored legislation, and bounce that against our constitution as written, amended and ratified to see where they stand in their beliefs.

Today we have a decision from the Supreme Court of the United States of America in which they have refused to here the Writ of Certiorari regarding Obama’s citizenship. What the court is really saying by this decision is it is none of the nation’s, or our constitution’s, business where, or how our sitting president was born; or if he is even eligible for the office he sits in; or in fact whether he is a US citizen. I my view a cowardly act on their part, and a violation of the oath they took when sworn-in to the court.

Today we have a United States Supreme Court which is hands off on cases that do not fit into their majority ideology; which is not the purpose for which they sit on the court. The sitting justices are supposed to be disposed to the rule of law as laid down in out nation’s constitution; and no other law, wherever it comes from.

Today we still have a person sitting in the Office of President of the United States, and pretends to be our lawful Commander in Chief of the armed forces, who, as of now, still has not produced an original long form birth certificate, or a certified copy thereof; the same birth certificate all of us must produce to obtain a United States Passport, he has one; and for issuance of many other official documents. I just received my passport this past year, and I could not have obtained it without a certified copy of my long form birth certificate, and other government issued identification. Purportedly Obama has had a Passport since his college days, acknowledged by his travel to Pakistan, India, and Indonesia while he was a college student; was that a US Passport, or a Passport from some other country? We do not know the official answer to that, other than what he, and his handlers tell us without documented proof. Since Obama, etal has spent so much money keeping his vital records sealed from everyone it makes a reasonable person wonder what does he have to hid from the people he represents? During the 2008 election cycle, McCain, through media insistence, produced his long form birth certificate; why was there no such insistence from the media for Obama to produce his long form birth certificate? One can only wonder, and speculate the agenda of our national media. Why no public outcry, or concern, about who represents them on the world stage? Who is Obama?

Today there is also overwhelming documented evidence that the “president’s” social security number belongs to a deceased man from Connecticut who would be well over 100 year old today. Even if this individual is deceased the Social Security Administration never reissues social security numbers. How did Obama obtain this SSN? No one in our Justice Department is asking that question, even though it is fraudulent to have, and use, someone else’s social security number. Then there is the question; why would Obama’s social security number have been issued in Connecticut in the first place since he never lived there?

Today we have done away with the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” for the military; when I was part of the active duty military, for 30 years, you could always suspect who was gay, now you will not have to suspect it if those who are gay openly admit their sexual preference, and its shower time in the communal showers of the ships at sea. How would you feel showering with a known gay, or lesbian? Is this not hypocrisy since heterosexual men and women are not permitted to openly shower together in the military?

Today we have Harry Reid’s Dream Act. Where in our constitution does it say all who come to this country illegally, however the got here, have a right to United States citizenship; or to a taxpayer funded education? Not even the 14th Amendment to our constitution says that. It is just like the word democracy, you cannot find it anywhere in our founding documents; it is therefore apparent our founding fathers did not intend for our nation to be a democracy, but did intend for our nation to be a constitutional republic, a nation of laws derived from our constitution, and from no other source. Remember, congress can make no laws that are not derived from the constitution; and they cannot amend our constitution without ratification by ¾ of the 50 states.

Today we have a national budget which is not required to be balanced at the end of each congressional year, Why? In several of our United States it is constitutionally required.

Today we still have deficit spending; why is it a game plan for our nation?

Today we have a Social Security Trust Fund Lock Box full of IOUs from our federal government; why, and where did the money collected from all of us go, and who authorized it?

Today we still have Ear Marks as a means for congress to spend more of our tax dollars; and yes, they do not cost that much when bounced against the overall costly programs our federal government has brought upon us; but still it is a means for our congressional members to give everyone back home a feeling they are doing something important, and perpetuates away to keep them in congress each election cycle. Why not reduce the states taxes to Washington, and simply leave the money in the state’s treasury, and let the state legislatures decide where, and how the money will be spent for the betterment of the state overall. If it is needed for a federal project, civilian, or military, it should be budgeted through those departments, not allocated by congressional members. Is it not the state legislatures who have a better understanding our state’s needs, and what needs to be done; or is it one lone politician who has a hidden agenda?

Today we still have a multitude of elected officials, non-elected government officials, media ilks, educated and non educated people of all walks of life still referring to our nation as a Democracy for some strange reason; since we are a representative government elected in our various states to represent us in Washington, our nation’s people have somehow been indoctrinated to believe we are a democracy; when in fact this is not true. Our nation was founded, and still is, a Constitutional Republic, a nation of laws derived from our constitution. We need to remember our constitution cannot be changed, other than through the amendment process, to believe otherwise is the Progressive, Socialist and Liberal ideology that they can subvert our constitution through the osmosis of indoctrination of “the people”, and not be burdened by the amendment process.

Today repeat after me: Constitutional Republic, a Nation of Laws, Constitutional Republic, a Nation of Laws, Constitutional Republic, a Nation of Laws. Rote learning helps, Progressive, Liberals, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists use it all the time.

Today as we look at our federal government, and its overreaching control of every aspect of our lives, and the usurping of State’s Rights through all of the legislation, regulatory controls, department and agencies; one wonders where does it all end. While our congressional representation goes to Washington each year, what do they do; besides write new legislation to further control We the People, our businesses, and our state governments. Would it not be novel for them to go to congress each year with the idea to not write new legislation, but to get rid of departments, agencies, and laws that are too controlling, over reaching, and burdensome to the people who operate business that produce jobs and drive the economy of our nation. If each of them would do this we eventually could get back to fiscal sanity; transfer responsibilities back to state governments where it belongs, and get back to limited federal government which our founding fathers wanted for our nation.

Today, and Always, One Nation Under God, with life and liberty for all our citzens, Amen!